• Authorized partner of Zebra, Dell, Lenovo, Ruckus
  • Authorized partner of Zebra, Dell, Lenovo, Ruckus
  • Authorized partner of Zebra, Dell, Lenovo, Ruckus
  • Authorized partner of Zebra, Dell, Lenovo, Ruckus
  • Authorized partner of Zebra, Dell, Lenovo, Ruckus
The largest assortment in Panama

Zebra Supplies 

Specialized in offering a wide range of Zebra printers,
labels, ribbons and accessories, we stand out for our commitment
with excellence and unmatched customer service. With us,
Ensure efficiency and durability in all your printing needs.

ZD4A042-301M00EZ  Zebra  Impresoras de escritorio Panamá


The alliance between Lenovo and Barrdega Panama marks the beginning of an unprecedented era in technological innovation and operational efficiency. This collaboration is more than just a partnership; is a powerful fusion of Lenovo's hardware excellence with Barrdega Panama's warehouse management and automation solutions expertise.

ZD4A042-301E00EZ  Zebra  Impresoras de escritorio Panamá
  • The largest assortment in Panama

    Zebra Supplies 

    Specialized in offering a wide range of Zebra printers,
    labels, ribbons and accessories, we stand out for our commitment
    with excellence and unmatched customer service. With us,
    Ensure efficiency and durability in all your printing needs.

    ZD4A042-301M00EZ  Zebra  Impresoras de escritorio Panamá

    The alliance between Lenovo and Barrdega Panama marks the beginning of an unprecedented era in technological innovation and operational efficiency. This collaboration is more than just a partnership; is a powerful fusion of Lenovo's hardware excellence with Barrdega Panama's warehouse management and automation solutions expertise.

    ZT61043-T110100Z  Zebra  Impresoras Industriales Panamá
CP.RN.00000344.01  DJI  Cámaras & Videocámaras Panamá
JWXPX  Dell  Computadores Panamá
MC930B-GSHHG4RW  Zebra  Computadoras móviles Panamá

blog posts

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  • Comprendiendo los Códigos de Barras UPC, EAN13 e ITF14: ¿Por Qué Se Usan en Panamá?

    Comprendiendo los Códigos de Barras UPC, EAN13 e ITF14: ¿Por Qué Se Usan en Panamá?

    Los códigos de barras son herramientas esenciales para mantener las cadenas de suministro, las tiendas minoristas y los almacenes funcionando sin problemas.
  • Los Retos Críticos de Elegir Software Inmaduro: Por Qué No Todas las Soluciones de Software Son Iguales

    Los Retos Críticos de Elegir Software Inmaduro: Por Qué No Todas las Soluciones de Software Son Iguales

    Las empresas a menudo invierten en soluciones de software con la expectativa de que estas herramientas mejorarán sus operaciones, optimizarán los flujos de trabajo y proporcionarán un ROI medible. Sin embargo, la realidad es que no todo el software es igual, y la madurez del software puede marcar la diferencia entre alcanzar sus objetivos o enfrentarse a frustraciones interminables.

  • Un almacén organizado mostrando productos claramente etiquetados gestionados por la tecnología de P4 Warehouse Cloud WMS.

    Lot Number Control

    Descubre los Secretos del Control de Número de Lote con P4 Warehouse Cloud WMS

    En el mundo de la gestión de almacenes, mantener un control preciso sobre los números de lote de inventario no es solo un requisito regulatorio, es un activo estratégico.

Barrdega Group

Discover how Grupo Barrdega is transforming the logistics landscape in America, leading as the number one distributor in Barcode hardware and consumables, in addition to offering revolutionary Cloud solutions for your warehouse. Join the technological forefront and take your logistics operation to the next level with the support and innovation of Grupo Barrdega. It's your time to shine in efficiency and productivity with the best in the field!